An Enduring Legacy

"It is up to us to live up to the legacy that was left for us, and to leave a legacy that is worthy of our children and of future generations." - Christine Gregoire
Christine Gregoire's quote personifies The University of Texas System's efforts to build a legacy of giving that will endure through generations of students, scientists, doctors, teachers, researchers, and future stewards of educational and social philanthropy. On numerous fronts, efforts abound to evolve today's charitable contributions into future funding that will support the development of The University of Texas System's nine academic and six health institutions. This maturation from financial contribution to ever-expanding legacy can be seen across all campuses.
The University of Texas at El Paso
Across the State of Texas, gifts are being transformed into realized technical, social, and scientific advances. While such charitable contributions help presently, they have also set in motion structured plans to allow their continued growth. This year, Texas businessman T. Boone Pickens historically donated a total of $100 million to The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center and The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas. In addition, a plan was developed to ensure its permanency and lasting benefit for years to come. Toward that goal, the gift must mature to one billion dollars before the funds will be used, a feat which not only holds great promise in the field of cancer research, but creates a continued legacy for all Texans.
At The University of Texas Pan American, a newly endowed scholarship established in memory of philanthropist, mother, and entrepreneur Margaret Canas-Cantu has flourished. In the early 1950's Cantu's contribution began when she spent her own money to create and sustain a small school for underprivileged children, which would later become the program now known as Head Start. Today Cantu's legacy continues to expand as her son has established the Margaret Canas-Cantu Endowed Memorial Scholarship, which will provide educational opportunities for years to come.
In hopes of continued generosity, it is the mission of The University of Texas System to persist in the advancement and growth of all charitable donations. While maintaining the value and benefit of these gifts is vital, it is perhaps the ultimate responsibility and goal of The University of Texas System to ensure these offerings cultivate a legacy of progress and possibilities for future generations.