The University of Texas at Dallas
In their own words, the McDermott Scholars speak� On Scholarship
"The 'Scholar' label I now carry is one of which I am incredibly proud, yet at the same time feel the great responsibility that comes with it. I, for one, am proud of that responsibility." On Leadership "It seems as though the ultimate goal of the Program is to create the 'leaders of tomorrow'. |  McDermott Scholars in London
Leaders leave a positive influence on their peers and community. Appreciating knowledge, understanding the global community, and aiding others are all aspects of leadership that the Program instills in Scholars." |
On Cultural Enrichment
"The opera house is open, on one side the mountains of New Mexico, on the other the lights of Santa Fe. The set is simple, dark, but suddenly - crack!- soldiers enter and the stage lights up and the swell of the chorus fills the house. From that moment on, Lucia had my heart; I was enchanted."
On Community Involvement
"There are aspects to my community that I would have never imagined there. There is art, there is activism, there is service, and there is always the potential for more; and the Program has helped me see all of these."
On International Experience
"Studying abroad provides the McDermott Scholar with boundless opportunity for growth, reinvention, and change by allowing him or her to temporarily abandon all cultural roots. Laying aside all that is familiar is the quickest way to learn new and surprising things."
On Service
"Serving food to London's homeless, assisting at a Habitat build, adopting an elementary school. Our greatest opportunity is not what we receive, but what we can give."
Eugene McDermott, co-founder of Texas Instruments, believed that the best human talent, provided with the best education and enriched with a love and understanding of the arts, was the essential foundation of both business success and societal progress. Mrs. Margaret McDermott established The Eugene McDermott Scholars Program Endowment at The University of Texas at Dallas in September 2000 in honor of her late husband's dream for the University and the region and in honor of his deep conviction about the vital importance of educated minds.
The Eugene McDermott Scholars Program recruits some of the world's best students and provides them with an education in science, technology, management, the liberal arts, and culture that is second to none. This Program is designed to equip each Scholar with the skills, experience, and confidence to succeed as leaders in every dimension of life.
McDermott Scholars are selected on their promise of being leaders for Dallas, the United States, and the world community during the 21st Century. The McDermott Scholars award covers all expenses of a four-year academic education at The University of Dallas, in concert with a diverse array of intensive extracurricular experiences, including internships, travel and cultural enrichment.
The $32 million gift that established this endowment is invested in the Long Term Fund. The endowment distributed $1.4 million for the year ended August 31, 2003 to support the 53 McDermott Scholars currently enrolled.