The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Hospital was named the leading cancer center in the nation by US News and World Report in July 2000. This recognition validates the hard work, dedication, and commitment the people at M.D. Anderson have in striving toward their goal of eliminating cancer through education, research, patient care, and prevention.
One pioneering doctor was Dr. Gilbert H. Fletcher. He founded the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center Radiotherapy Department in 1948 and was the chairman of the department until his retirement in 1981. He revolutionized radiation therapy in both technology and patient applications. His work and contributions defined modern radiation oncology and his school of treatment is practiced around the world. Dr. Fletcher is considered by many to have been the leading authority in the world on the clinical treatment of tumors using radiation therapy. He authored several textbooks on the subject of radiotherapy and was recognized as an outstanding teacher.
| Following his death in 1992, many people who benefited from his teaching expressed an interest in contributing toward the establishment of a chair in recognition of his legacy to M.D. Anderson and to the discipline of radiation therapy. In April 1994, $.3 million of private donor funds and $.5 million of institutional money invested in the Short Term Fund (STF), were used to establish the Gilbert H. Fletcher Memorial Chair. Since the endowment's inception through August 31, 2000, an additional $.2 million of private donor funds have been contributed to the |
endowment. Total distributions from the endowment through August 31, 2000, were $.3 million. The endowment, which is invested in the Long Term Fund (LTF), has increased in value by $.8 million and as of August 31, 2000, is worth $1.8 million. |